Cliff Jump

Cliff Jump


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Setup Area: 24'L x 18'W x 19'H

Actual Size: 22'L x 16'W x 17'H

Monitors: Adult supervision is required at all times

Outlets: 2 - each on its own 20amp circuit within 100 ft of outlet


Calling all daredevils!

Are you brave enough to scale the cliff and jump off the rocky summit? The Cliff Jump is a huge climbing and jumping amusement game designed to look like an imposing gray rock wall cliff. Start by climbing up the narrow cliff stairs to the top of the cliff. Look down at the red bulls-eye that shows you exactly where to jump into the super-soft air bag landing zone and jump—if you dare!

Requires 2 outlets on individual circuits. If you are unsure about your available power, consider renting a generator. 

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